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DgSecure on AWS is Dataguise’s flagship product that can scan for sensitive elements in structured and unstructured data, and optionally mask or encrypt the data. Organizations can also monitor access to the sensitive data using DgSecure. This section contains common tasks for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) sellers using Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS).Note that most of the high volume tasks in this section, which Amazon MWS enables you to do programmatically, can also be accomplished using the Amazon … Links to FreeRTOS API function descriptions ordered by category. FreeRTOS is a portable, open source, mini Real Time kernel. A free RTOS for small embedded systems AWS 指 Amazon Web Services,亚马逊提供的专业云计算服务,以Web服务 的形式向企业提供IT基础设施服务 Amazon SageMaker 指 AWS推出的机器学习平台,可以帮助机器学习开发者和数据科学家 快速构建、训练和部署模型 SoM 指 System on Module,公司自主研发的智能大脑计算平台 SDK 指 Software Development Kit,软件开发 Time: 84ms Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names api/pdf.js 5.41 kB 0 [emitted] api/pdf [0] ./api/pdf.js 981 bytes {0} [built] [1] external " html-pdf-chrome " 42 bytes {0} [not cacheable] [2] external " path " 42 bytes {0} [not cacheable] [3] external " fs " 42 bytes {0} [not cacheable] [4] ./api/libs/response.js 355 bytes {0} [built] Serverless: Package lock found - Using locked versions Serverless The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the only national trade association that represents all aspects of America’s oil and natural gas industry.